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Can Invisalign Fix Your Dental Problems?

invisalign fix dental problems red bank dentistryIf you are unhappy with the look of your teeth, you may be considering Invisalign treatment. Only your Red Bank Invisalign provider can tell you if this alignment method can deliver, but there are circumstances that can tip you off about whether you are a good candidate. Learn about the most common problems Invisalign fixes – and problems that might need a different kind of intervention.

Are You a Good Candidate for Invisalign?

It is certainly difficult to have your heart set on something only to be disappointed. For some people, this is the case with Invisalign. Trust, though, that your Red Bank Invisalign provider is guiding you in the right direction for the health of your smile.

Some adults who want to straighten or tweak their smile might be better off making it happen with cosmetic dentistry procedures instead. For example, maybe you have a few crooked teeth. Do you need Invisalign for that correction? Or can you get a bigger bang for your buck with strategically crafted dental crowns or flawless porcelain veneers? Sometimes it’s not about what Invisalign can or cannot fix, it’s about what’s happening with your teeth and lifestyle:

  • Infections are present. If you have gum disease, this problem needs to be cleaned up before any orthodontic treatment can be considered. You may then need restorative dentistry rather than alignment technology when all is said and done.
  • Your teeth moved. Did you wear braces as a teen and now your teeth are gapped or crooked again? If you have relapsed and your smile is out of whack, a brief course of Invisalign could be the answer. You still need to wear a retainer after treatment, so make sure this responsibility is one you can follow this time around.
  • You need multiple solutions. You may not want to invest in cosmetic dentistry like porcelain veneers to transform your teeth, but trying to make Invisalign work instead may not be the best solution for misalignment when you’re also dealing with problems like chips, cracks, stains, and more.

Complications That Get in the Way of Invisalign

While most misalignment problems can be corrected by a carefully customized course of Invisalign treatment, there are some complications that interfere with a successful treatment plan, including:

  • Rotated teeth. When a few teeth are tilted or rotated 20+ degrees out of alignment, Invisalign alone may not be able to fully shift the position of tooth roots.
  • Existing dental work. If you have significant restorative dental work like crowns or bridges, these teeth cannot be shifted by aligners.
  • Extreme overbite. Most overbites can be treated successfully by Invisalign but a skeletal deformity may call for surgery to correct the severe problem. Once the procedure is complete, Invisalign is often back up for grabs.

Be a Smile Makeover Success with Red Bank Invisalign

The bottom line is this: Every patient’s teeth and oral health is unique. At Red Bank Dentistry in Red Bank, NJ, Dr. Carole Sherrod Jewell and her dental team are ready to examine your teeth and gums and make recommendations about Invisalign and other cosmetic dentistry treatments that will transform your smile. Schedule a consultation to learn more.

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