Whether you are a student, educator, or administrator, a new school year is always an opportunity for reinvention. One of the greatest ways to make that happen is with quality dental care from your dentist in Red Bank.
Teeth Cleaning
4 Ways to Maintain Fresh Breath
If you have fresh breath, that usually means you have a clean and healthy mouth. When decay and disease are festering, bad breath and odors are major signs that something isn’t right. You might not notice that things don’t smell rosy, but anyone you kiss or get close to will pick up on the problem right away. August 6 is National Fresh Breath Day, so here are just some ways to maintain a clean and healthy mouth that smells good.
Don’t Neglect Your Teeth Because of Coronavirus Worries
It’s always important to take good care of your teeth by brushing and flossing daily and seeing your Red Bank dentist regularly. Now, however, we have all entered a new phase of life, and it’s requiring some adjustments. Even though yoga pants and sweats have become a daily norm, hopefully, your oral health habits haven’t fallen by the wayside.
5 Spooky Facts About Halloween Candy and Your Teeth

Every Halloween, dentists see patients with dental problems caused by the type or quantity of candy they ate. Making the right choices in October when candy is everywhere can be the difference between a sweet smile or tooth pain in November. Dentists don’t want to ruin the fun, but they do want to help you protect your oral health.
4 Reasons You Need a Teeth Cleaning from Your Red Bank Dentist
A dental cleaning from your Red Bank dentist may seem like just one more task that you need to add to your list, but taking care of your teeth is critical. Without regular professional teeth cleanings, you could be in for some serious oral health problems.