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Can Invisalign Fix Your Dental Problems?

invisalign fix dental problems red bank dentistryIf you are unhappy with the look of your teeth, you may be considering Invisalign treatment. Only your Red Bank Invisalign provider can tell you if this alignment method can deliver, but there are circumstances that can tip you off about whether you are a good candidate. Learn about the most common problems Invisalign fixes – and problems that might need a different kind of intervention.

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Veneers or Invisalign: What’s Right for You?

veneers or Invisalign red bank dentistry njEvery smile makeover is unique to the patient. For many people, a new smile is comprised of two or more cosmetic dentistry treatments to achieve the desired look. For others, one procedure is all they want or need. When you’re trying to decide between porcelain veneers or Invisalign, two very different options, the adventure can get a little confusing. Here is how to figure out what smile upgrade is right for you.

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You’re Never Too Old for Invisalign

never too old to get invisalign red bank dentistryBraces are often considered the wheelhouse of tweens and teens, but this couldn’t be further from the truth. Plenty of adults want straight teeth too and would prefer to make it happen with Invisalign instead of other cosmetic dentistry treatments. Who’s a good candidate for this discreet alignment method? Nearly everyone. Find out whether Invisalign is right for you.

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Day 1 of Invisalign: What to Expect

day one of invisalign red bank dentistryThe beginning of any orthodontic treatment is exciting and a little daunting. You don’t know what it will be like to have this experience until you’re living it. While it helps to keep the goal in mind – a straight, healthy smile – it’s a good idea to live day by day so you can take proper care of your Invisalign and follow the rules of this treatment to get the best results. Day one will not look or feel anything like day five, 10, or 100. The first day is its own special set of 24 hours.

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3 Habits That Could Derail Invisalign Treatment

derail Invisalign treatment red bank dentistryMost people enter Invisalign treatment with eagerness and determination. They’ve made the decision to straighten their smile and can’t wait to watch it happen. This treatment does require dedication and attention to detail, though, and it can’t get the job of transformation done all on its own. As you follow the rules for wearing Invisalign, here are three of the worst habits to avoid.

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What Type of Invisalign Is Right for You?

type of Invisalign Red Bank Dentistry NJWhen you want to straighten your smile, correct crooked teeth, or eliminate gaps, you may be interested in Invisalign. This discreet orthodontic treatment corrects misalignment using clear, snug-fitting trays that are customized to your teeth and mouth. Invisalign doesn’t interrupt your lifestyle, limit your favorite foods, or get in the way of your appearance – but the type of Invisalign that’s right for you will vary depending on the condition of your teeth now.

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