Invisalign is a straightforward treatment for aligning teeth. However, when you’re seriously considering this orthodontic option, you undoubtedly have plenty of questions beyond how to take care of your aligners, whether Invisalign will fit into your career and lifestyle, whether Invisalign is appropriate for teens, and the logistics of wearing the aligners.
Dental News
What Kind of Invisalign Wearer Are You?
Perhaps you’re someone who has always wanted straight teeth, but you never had the time or inclination to actually do something about this wish. There are always excuses for not tending to your oral health, especially when misalignment is the problem and you’ve simply learned to live with your crooked teeth or gaps between your teeth. But there is an easy solution to correct your smile: Invisalign. So let’s look at a few examples of how this orthodontic treatment can fit your lifestyle.
Your Orthodontic Checklist: Caring for Invisalign Aligners
Invisalign is a relatively straightforward method of aligning teeth. You wear the clear aligners for a minimum of 20 hours a day. You change the almost-invisible aligners as indicated by your dentist in your customized orthodontic plan, usually every two weeks, give or take. Your teeth move as they’re supposed to and, over time, your teeth and jaw are aligned. But what about caring for your aligners? Because they’re certainly not self-cleaning. Turns out, this task is pretty clear-cut too.
Invisalign Makes Maintaining Good Oral Health Easy
One of the biggest concerns that braces-wearers have is how they’re going to keep their teeth clean while wearing brackets and wires on their teeth. How do you get the floss in there? Do you need special tools? Is that piece of lettuce ever going to come out from under that front bracket? When you wear Invisalign, maintaining good oral hygiene is easy.
Don’t Let Braces Interrupt Your Lifestyle: 4 Reasons to Choose Invisalign
Job interview? First date? Stage performance? Major presentation? Whatever you have going on, your orthodontic treatment doesn’t have to take center stage. Instead of showing up with embarrassing metal brackets on your teeth, arrive unaltered, invisibly straightening your teeth all the while. Invisalign makes it possible to live your life as you always have – just with gradually straighter teeth.
Be a Star! Celebrities Who Have Worn Invisalign
The mission to get straight teeth wasn’t so impossible for Tom Cruise. A certified Hollywood powerhouse, Cruise is always under the microscope, so it’s no wonder he opted for an under-the-radar way to straighten his killer smile – Invisalign. He’s always been quick to flash a grin, but now Cruise has perfectly aligned teeth to dazzle the paparazzi.
Want a Straight Smile? Should You Choose Porcelain Veneers or Invisalign?
Always coveted the straight smiles of other people? That alignment can be achieved in a few different ways. Porcelain veneers create an impeccable set of teeth while also fixing other cosmetic issues. And Invisalign straightens teeth completely under the radar. Both choices are viable, effective, and utterly transformative, but your dentist can tell you for certain what option is best for you.
Wear Invisalign and Find Love: How Your Smile Affects Online Dating Success
There’s no way around the fact that if you’re dating online, appearances matter. No one is skimming through a person’s online dating profile to read about them – that initial attraction is all based on how you look. But once a potential partner is interested in looking deeper, they’ll be seeking photos of you that reveal more of you, especially your smile. And if you haven’t shared a toothy grin, they might wonder what you’re hiding. If you’re ashamed of your crooked teeth or bite problems but feel like a mouth full of metal braces definitely won’t enhance your dating life, it’s time to learn about the many benefits of Invisalign braces.
Do You Wear Invisalign? You’ll Have a Very Happy Halloween
Candy, candy, candy! It’s October and that means it’s time for Halloween, but the sweets don’t only come out on All Hallows Eve. Candy is around in force all month long and far after. And it’s not just your kids that you have to keep after to limit their sugar intake. Adults can get just as hooked on the goodies. But, no matter what age you are, munching on Halloween candy is far sweeter when you’re wearing Invisalign than if you’re wearing traditional metal braces.
Invisalign for Teens: The Best Way to Help Adolescents Conquer Their Orthodontic Fears
Adolescence is difficult enough without adding braces to the mix. No teen really wants to be a metal mouth. What millennial tweens and teens are lucky enough to have as an option when it comes to teeth straightening and alignment, however, is Invisalign.