Understandably, a bride wants to look her very best on her wedding day. You diet. Work out. Get your hair and makeup done. You may even pose in the mirror testing out your best new “Mrs.” expressions. But do you like what you see when you smile? Whether the wedding is a year from now, six months from now, or just around the corner, Invisalign can be your second maid of honor.
Dental News
Just Say No to Do-It-Yourself Braces and Yes to Invisalign
The coolest new innovation is 3D printing. Shows like Grey’s Anatomy have 3D printed organs and bones to heal people (on television, mind you) and now, a college student has 3D-printed invisible aligners to straighten his own teeth – and it cost him less than $60. Resourceful? Absolutely. A viral story? Indeed. Wise? Not on your life.
Invisalign Does More Than Just Straighten Teeth
Invisalign braces can straighten teeth in about nine to 15 months. On average, an Invisalign-wearer undergoes one year of treatment. But along the way, the benefits of wearing Invisalign go far beyond just providing you with a smile that is in alignment, looks good, and is fully functional.Invisalign braces can help the wearer:
How to Keep Your Smile Straight After Invisalign
Invisalign treatment is typically shorter as an orthodontic treatment than traditional metal braces. However, the last day that you wear your Invisalign aligners is not the final day that you will have hardware on your teeth. Retainers are your present and future – and that’s a good thing.
6 Eating Habits to Follow While Wearing Invisalign
One of the biggest perks of Invisalign is that it straightens your teeth without restricting your diet. Unlike traditional braces-wearers, your invisible aligners are removable, so you are able to eat whatever foods you want without worrying about lettuce getting stuck in your brackets, a pizza crust tearing a wire out of place, or chocolate cake nesting in between all the metalware. There are some eating habits, however, that you will want to avoid while wearing Invisalign so that your treatment goes as planned, and so your aligners don’t end up becoming discolored. For some people, these vices can be hard to break. The benefits, though, are well worth the effort. Ultimately, you will have a beautifully aligned smile that wasn’t compromised by your need for a snack or a certain kind of beverage.
Why You Must Follow the #1 Rule for Wearing Invisalign
Flexibility is one of the biggest draws for Invisalign wearers. Patients like knowing they can remove the invisible aligners for meals, important events, and brushing and flossing. While this freedom to take your aligners in and out is attractive – and one of the reasons Invisalign is so popular among adults – it’s critical not to abuse the privilege. Opting to leave your Invisalign aligners out for too long will impact the progress of your treatment, and the less you wear your aligners, the longer your orthodontic treatment will take.
Beyond the Basics: Your Biggest Invisalign Questions Answered
Invisalign is a straightforward treatment for aligning teeth. However, when you’re seriously considering this orthodontic option, you undoubtedly have plenty of questions beyond how to take care of your aligners, whether Invisalign will fit into your career and lifestyle, whether Invisalign is appropriate for teens, and the logistics of wearing the aligners.
What Kind of Invisalign Wearer Are You?
Perhaps you’re someone who has always wanted straight teeth, but you never had the time or inclination to actually do something about this wish. There are always excuses for not tending to your oral health, especially when misalignment is the problem and you’ve simply learned to live with your crooked teeth or gaps between your teeth. But there is an easy solution to correct your smile: Invisalign. So let’s look at a few examples of how this orthodontic treatment can fit your lifestyle.
Your Orthodontic Checklist: Caring for Invisalign Aligners
Invisalign is a relatively straightforward method of aligning teeth. You wear the clear aligners for a minimum of 20 hours a day. You change the almost-invisible aligners as indicated by your dentist in your customized orthodontic plan, usually every two weeks, give or take. Your teeth move as they’re supposed to and, over time, your teeth and jaw are aligned. But what about caring for your aligners? Because they’re certainly not self-cleaning. Turns out, this task is pretty clear-cut too.
Invisalign Makes Maintaining Good Oral Health Easy
One of the biggest concerns that braces-wearers have is how they’re going to keep their teeth clean while wearing brackets and wires on their teeth. How do you get the floss in there? Do you need special tools? Is that piece of lettuce ever going to come out from under that front bracket? When you wear Invisalign, maintaining good oral hygiene is easy.