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3 Serious Health Complications of Sleep Apnea

undiagnosed sleep apnea
Sleep apnea is often a misunderstood condition. Yes, sleep apnea results in serious fatigue, yawning throughout the day, drowsy driving, lack of concentration. However, beyond these obvious and serious side effects, sleep apnea can pose threats to overall health and well-being in unexpected ways.

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Choose Invisalign, Because Braces Don’t Have to Interfere with Your Selfies

Selfie and InvisalignWhether you are a member of the Millennial generation, Generation X, Generation Z, or the Baby Boomers, you are likely familiar with the lure of social media and smartphone selfies. Sharing moments of your life online through photos and videos can be addicting and satisfying, especially when you keep accruing “likes.” But if braces are in your future, you may lament how your photos will appear for the next few years. Invisalign can change all of that – in a good way.

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6 Ways to Know If You’re a Good Candidate for Invisalign

good Invisalign candidate

If you’ve ever wondered, “Could I wear Invisalign?” the answer is clear: You want straight teeth, so it’s time to pursue the options available to you. Your Red Bank Invisalign dentist will have the final say on whether or not you are an ideal candidate for Invisalign. However, there are several ways to know right now whether or not you might make a good candidate for this revolutionary orthodontic treatment.

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4 Things You Need to Know About Undiagnosed Sleep Apnea

sleep apnea and dental health

You may think your too-late nights and too-early mornings, wake-ups by the kids, or too much screen time before bed are negatively impacting your sleep. These elements could be affecting how well-rested you are. However, if you take care of these habits and manage to squeeze in good nights of rest, you might still be inexplicably exhausted every day. You may be suffering from undiagnosed sleep apnea.

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Invisalign: Ideal for the New Dad

Invisalign new dad

New dads tend to get lost in the shuffle of infant needs and the demands a new mom is juggling. At a time when your social life is likely to be on the back burner, your work is status quo, and your partner isn’t really paying all that much attention to you anyway, it’s the perfect moment to do something for yourself that you’ve always wanted to do: straighten your smile. Invisalign can help.

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Can Invisalign Correct Your Overbite Problem?


Maybe you used a pacifier for too long as a child. Perhaps you sucked your thumb. Or maybe you were simply born with an overbite that was exceptionally cute when you were a toddler but is driving you crazy as an adult. Whether you dislike the appearance of your teeth, feel your overbite draws too much attention to your mouth, or are having painful jaw problems, Invisalign could be the solution to a great number of your oral health complaints.

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