Invisalign is the nearly invisible method for aligning teeth. Just because this orthodontic treatment is barely visible does not mean it is self-sufficient. Invisalign wearers have responsibilities. It’s critical to follow the rules and requirements that your Red Bank Invisalign provider has given to you to get the most out this treatment and make it a success.
Is Invisalign the Right Choice for Your Teen?
High school is a social game. No matter how mature your teen is, the last thing he or she wants is to stand out for the wrong reasons. Braces are a rite of passage for many teens, but if you could minimize the awkwardness of the orthodontic process for your child, wouldn’t you? Invisalign Teen makes it possible.
Do You Stop Breathing While You Sleep? Know the Signs of Sleep Apnea
Snoring is one problem. Sleep apnea is another entirely. But snoring can be one of the signs of sleep apnea, an often undiagnosed sleep disorder. This should concern you, not only because the problem interrupts a good night’s sleep, but because sleep apnea has been linked health complications such as hypertension, irregular heartbeat, stroke, and heart attack.
What Does an Invisalign Treatment Plan Look Like?
Every Invisalign treatment plan is customized to the patient. There are similarities, however, in how a treatment plan is designed and carried out. Your Red Bank Invisalign provider is specially trained to create a customized Invisalign orthodontic plan for your tooth alignment.
Suffering from Exhaustion and Mouth Pain? Is It Sleep Apnea or TMJ?
Sleep apnea and TMJ seem to have their own unique sets of symptoms. You may be surprised to discover, however, that the two afflictions have quite a bit in common – and one may even be responsible for causing the other.
3 Serious Health Complications of Sleep Apnea
Choose Invisalign, Because Braces Don’t Have to Interfere with Your Selfies
Whether you are a member of the Millennial generation, Generation X, Generation Z, or the Baby Boomers, you are likely familiar with the lure of social media and smartphone selfies. Sharing moments of your life online through photos and videos can be addicting and satisfying, especially when you keep accruing “likes.” But if braces are in your future, you may lament how your photos will appear for the next few years. Invisalign can change all of that – in a good way.
6 Ways to Know If You’re a Good Candidate for Invisalign
If you’ve ever wondered, “Could I wear Invisalign?” the answer is clear: You want straight teeth, so it’s time to pursue the options available to you. Your Red Bank Invisalign dentist will have the final say on whether or not you are an ideal candidate for Invisalign. However, there are several ways to know right now whether or not you might make a good candidate for this revolutionary orthodontic treatment.
Get Ready for Wedding Season with Invisalign
Whether you are the bride or groom or a member of the wedding party, your smile will be on display all day long. Even if you’re a wedding guest (or a wedding crasher), you won’t want to be the only person hiding their smile on such a happy day. Are your teeth ready to be on camera? Invisalign can help correct what’s out of alignment.