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Fix the Impossible with Porcelain Veneers from Your Red Bank Dentist

porcelain veneers red bank dentist new jerseyNo one is perfect, and that fact of life makes us all unique, but it’s reasonable to want one or two features to look as close to flawless as possible. If you’ve ever lamented the appearance of your smile, and even if you’ve been told its impossible to fix what you dislike, it’s time to discover how porcelain veneers from your Red Bank dentist can transform your teeth and life.

Get a Permanently White Smile

Many people are frustrated with stained, discolored, or yellow teeth, especially if they’ve been told professional teeth whitening treatments aren’t powerful enough to make a difference. In circumstances like this, you can achieve perfect white teeth with veneers.

The thin porcelain is shaded to a color that is complementary to skin tone and overall appearance, so it looks bright but natural. Bonus: Veneers are stain-resistant. Just don’t overdo the coffee or red wine.

Achieve Straight Teeth Without Braces

If you avoided braces but have always been frustrated with gapped, crowded, or misaligned teeth, the most powerful way to conceal what you dislike is with porcelain veneers. Veneers are so thin they flawlessly cover up imperfections and rebuild a new smile that makes you look like you hit the DNA jackpot.

(If you’re still thinking about straightening your natural teeth, talk to your Red Bank dentist about Invisalign. You might be a candidate for this nearly invisible alignment method.)

Broaden a Narrow Smile

If you have teeth that are out of proportion, your smile can look small and narrow. The canines or pre-molars are situated behind the teeth in front of them instead of fanning out, which leaves dark spaces in the corners of your smile. This problem can occur because of crowding or oddly shaped teeth.

Porcelain veneers fill the spaces, building out teeth until they are the right width, depth, length, thickness, and size. Every single porcelain veneer is custom-built by hand and optimized to give you a full smile.

Balance an Asymmetrical Grin

Sometimes it’s difficult to describe what makes a smile great besides “white” and “straight.” Balance is the word many people are searching for, especially when living with an asymmetrical smile. When you have worn teeth or gum damage on one side of your mouth, you are more likely to develop a crooked smile with teeth that look longer on one size. Teeth grinding and gum recession are common culprits. Veneers eliminate any imbalance, addressing each unique tooth to make a smile complete from one side to the other.

Reverse a Reverse Smile

When upper center teeth are shorter than teeth on either side, they create an upside-down or reverse effect. The mouth can look open when it’s not and there is a dark space between the top and bottom teeth when you smile. When teeth don’t erupt as much as they should, or teeth grinding is excessively damaging, a reverse smile can be the result. Carefully designed veneers from your Red Bank dentist build out short teeth to create an even and symmetrical smile.

Find out if veneers are right for you. Schedule an appointment with Dr. Carole Sherrod Jewell at Red Bank Dentistry.

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